Friday, July 30, 2010

Relocation Network Roundup

Our weekly Relocation Network Roundup lets our affiliates know what all the others have been up to, via their blogs. Are you a Relocation Insurance Group affiliate and don't see your blog here? Contact us and we'll be sure to add your blog to future Roundups.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Word From Our CEO: More Energy = More Money

To quote a recent tweet by author and success coach T. Harv Eker, “A lot of money takes a lot of energy!” While the blog post linked from his tweet goes on to talk about one interpretation of this statement (more on that in a minute), I thought of it in a different light. I am of the strong belief that business owners and managers MUST have a ton of energy and be willing to use it every day in order to see their business succeed. What’s more than that, you should WANT to spend that time and energy on your business.

Using myself as an example, I write this piece from my hotel room in Tel Aviv, Israel where I am exploring a new opportunity. While I’m here, none of my regular tasks are neglected—I simply have to figure out smart ways to get everything done.

As for Eker’s intended interpretation, he makes a great case for hiring people in order to add more energy to the mix. The key, I believe, is in hiring people who bring different skill sets to the table than you might possess. Don’t have energy for administrative tasks? Eker argues, in so many words, that hiring an administrative assistant pays for itself in productivity. Same goes for any other types of tasks that you are either unfit or unable to do yourself.

So, do you have the energy you need to succeed, be it all from your own reserves or from a combination of you and your employees? What other interpretations can be made from the above quote? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Storage Facility Theft Prevention

Recently in Houston, a string of robberies has occurred in several self storage facilities. Not only is this tragic for the victims of the robberies but the self storage facilities as well. Your business is reliant on whether or not your customers trust you and your services. A robbery can break their trust and make them look elsewhere for a more secure storage facility.

Just some of the ways you can protect your customers as well as your business:
  • Require disc locks: These locks are harder for thieves to cut thus making the individual unit safer.
  • Video surveillance: Standard surveillance might not be enough in today’s tech savvy generation. Thieves might be aware of how to get around standard, single-angle surveillance (as appears to be the case in one of the Houston burglaries). Having multi-angle cameras and motion detection lights will help to catch thieves in the act.
  • Fencing: standard fencing is not enough to keep thieves out. High concrete walls are ideal but if you have chained link fence they should be lined with barbed wire.
  • Urge your customers to inventory their belongings: By keeping a list of stored belongings with serial numbers recorded on high-value items such as electronics, police will have an easier time locating any missing items. You might even think about providing a simple inventory form to new customers.
  • Stress to customers not to share codes: Police in the aforementioned case have a strong suspect in one of the facility’s renters since his code was used around the time of the burglaries. However, there is always a chance it was someone else who got a hold of the renter’s entry code. Make sure your customers keep gate codes to themselves and in a safe place. Also let them know not to allow anyone to follow them into the facility.
  • Check units often: Have your customers visit their units regularly to make sure they are not missing anything. Customers should also check for signs of tampering with their locks.
  • Storage insurance: As a last line of defense suggest that your customers get storage insurance. In the unfortunate event that something does happen it’s better to be prepared than to be at a total loss.
All of these suggestions will help to ensure both you and your customers safety and peace of mind when it comes to the belongings they are trusting you with. What measures have you taken to prevent theft at your facility?