Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scaring Away Tenants

In case you missed it, the April 6th edition of Studio City edition of had an interesting industry-related article. Patrick Hasson, an award-winning film director, started filming an independent horror film based on the contents and happenings at a self-storage facility.

The film, entitled “Blood Shed,” plays on people’s fear of the unknown, including dark and confined spaces.  “What Jaws did for people going into the water, “Blood Shed” will do for anyone having to visit that long-lost storage unit,” said Hasson.

The story is based on the director’s own experiences of living in his self-storage unit, years ago.   In the article, he talks about encounters with drug addicts, the homeless, and families living alongside him in the units.
Funding for the film is not financed through movie studios, but rather through “crowd surfing.”  The concept is similar to nonprofit; individuals and corporations donate various amounts to the movie project.  In exchange for their donation, donors will receive an acknowledgement in the closing credits, movie props, or private screenings of the film.

Storage Insurance Question Of The Month

The number of reality TV shows based on self-storage facilities auctions continues to increase in both number and popularity.  Is your facility seeing an increase in bidders at auctions?  Is the average amount per bid more than it has been in the past?  Are the auctions becoming a money maker or a hassle for your facility?